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McCarthy calls on Biden to end talks on Iran nuclear deal
'Just Plain Stupid': McCarthy Hammers Biden Over Iran Nuclear Deal
Kevin McCarthy Tears Apart Biden's Iran Deal
'This Is Outrageous': GOP Senators Calls Out Biden's Iran Deal Talks
JUST IN: Senate Republicans Assail Biden Over Possible New Iran Deal
The likely nuclear deal with Iran
White House, Iran both say agreement close on new nuclear deal
'What Would Such A Bad Deal Look Like?': GOP Senator Blasts Biden's Reported Potential New Iran Deal
What was Vladimir Putin like 20 years ago? #Putin #Russia
Biden 'Needs To Stop Begging Brutal Dictators For Oil': Dan Sullivan Denounces Iran Nuclear Deal
#China is against the #Iran Nuclear Deal Too... #oilprice #inflation
Biden KILLS Iran Nuke Deal Once & For All | The Kyle Kulinski Show